Oven-Roasted Red Cabbage (Seriously, Try It!)

A powerful way to feel good about your food and health choices is to incorporate vegetables into every single meal you eat.  Just like Yoda says, "Do or do not; there is no try."  If you do this, you will see improvements in all of the other aspects of your life.  Other healthy choices will come more naturally, you'll actually feel better, and you might even begin to like (dare I say crave) the taste of vegetables.  (Do it for a week and see how you feel.  My guess is you won't want to stop!)  If you don't have much experience with cabbage, this might seem intimidating.  Luckily for all of us, the recipe is almost as simple as recipes get.  Gluten-free, tasty, healthy, and easy?!--What could be better?

Now that the weather is getting progressively better, you may not want to use the oven on a regular basis.  I haven't turned mine off for the summer yet, but maybe someone could modify this to be a grill situation...?  Either way, give the idea a chance; this oven-roasted cabbage truly is delicious.

red/ purple cabbage, sliced
olive oil (I used hot pepper-infused oil) or olive oil spray
a pinch of sea salt
a sprinkle of pepper

Kitchen Supplies:
olive oil spray bottle (like a Misto)
baking sheet
cutting board
sharp knife

Preheat oven to 400.  Slice the cabbage.  Spray or lightly oil cookie sheet.  Spread cabbage in one layer on cookie sheet.  Top with salt and pepper.  Bake for approximately 7-8 minutes before stirring and returning to oven.  Bake for another 7-8 minutes.  Time will depend on your oven, but see how crispy you want your cabbage.

sliced raw cabbage on baking sheet

oven-roasted cabbage after about 15 minutes

ready to eat!  how pretty does the color looks on the plate?!

Health Benefits:

red cabbage: provides vitamins C, K, and B6, potassium, fiber, manganese, as well as protective phytonutrients (polyphenols/ antioxidants)

If you put effort into simple but filling sides, you will notice a change in how you feel.  If you're ready to try delicious vegetables, but you aren't certain cabbage is for you, check out the following Making Mindfulness recipes:

Mallorcian Sea Salt & Maple Syrup Carrots

Sautéed Green Beans, Mushrooms, & Almonds

Carrot, Apple, and Celery Salad

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