Mindful Mondays: Jack Johnson

Each Monday, I would like to share a reminder about the importance of being mindful.  These will come from literature, popular culture, music--anywhere one might get this sort of everyday life nudge.

Today's feature is a song entitled "Inaudible Melodies," by Jack Johnson, from his 2001 Brushfire Fairytales album.  Although it is likely heavily influenced by Johnson's days as a surfer and film student, as many of Johnson's songs are, it is equally likely about living life freely and experiencing each moment. 

An excerpt from AZLyrics is as follows:

But in the long run we have found
Silent films are full of sound
Inaudibly free

Slow down everyone
You're moving too fast
Frames can't catch you when
You're moving like that

Johnson reminds us to be present in the chorus, which repeats, "Slow down, everyone, you're moving too fast.  Frames can't catch you when you're moving like that," several times.  If you've ever attempted an high-speed action photo on a sub-par camera (or setting), you understand the literal meaning; in the most literal sense, camera or film frames are not able to capture full motions at certain speeds.

In terms of its relation to mindfulness, the song can be seen as a representation of how we go through our daily lives.  We must, as it says, slow down.  Everybody.  If we slow down, we have a better chance, not only for frames to capture our likenesses, but also to be present for the moments of our lives. 

Though I have yet to surf, I can only imagine how much mindfulness it encourages and requires.  Be sure, whenever you can today, to slow down and just be.  What do you think?

Click here for an acoustic version from YouTube.

Picture below is the Brushfire Fairytales album cover, found here.

If you liked this post, check out the Mindful Mondays: Ray LaMontagne.
