Three Yoga Moves to Ease Shoulder Tension

I've seen it speculated that the word stress is derived from the Latin word stringere, which means to draw tight.  If this is true, it demonstrates the correlation between stress and how it affects the body and the mind.

We all get stressed.  If you're like me, you hold your tension in your shoulders and neck.  Sometimes, the stiffness of stress creeps up and accumulates without me even noticing, but before I know it, my movement is limited, my shoulders are sore, and my head is on the verge of an ache.

If you store your stress here, there are ways of decreasing accumulation, but there are also ways to ease the tension that has accumulated.

Before it even starts, one thing my mom, a certified massage therapist, has suggested is to "wiggle."  Wiggle when you're sitting at the computer, when you're driving your car, when you're watching tv.  Do this every ten minutes or so; set an alarm if you need to!  Moving your shoulders up and down, around, and back and forth, can insure that the muscles don't sit too long in one position--particularly the unnatural computer/ driving position with hands extended and over knees.  This may (will!) look a little silly, but it will actually make you feel great, so give it a try.

In terms of yoga, there are a variety of yoga moves to assist in easing tension built up in the shoulders.  I've included three today that aren't what I would call "full poses," just so you can give them a try on a day you might be particularly stressed.  No need to get your workout clothes on, get geared up, or find your mat.  These are three you can just sit and do to feel better.

Warning: Please be careful when practicing yoga.  Consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise regimen.  If you are pregnant, do not practice forward folds and speak with your doctor regarding your yoga options.

1. Crossed-leg/ Seated Forward Fold

- Sit cross-legged on a mat/ blanket or on a firm pillow or block.

- Balance your weight evenly on your sit bones

- Sit up straight and tall, aligning your head, neck, and spine.  Elongate through the top of the head, shoulders down (away from the ears) and back (opening the chest).

- Relax your neck, as well as your legs.  Let go of the tension from your day. 


- On an inhale, raise your arms up above your head.

- On an exhale, while hinging at the hips, slowly bring your arms and head towards the floor in front of you, while keeping your hips grounded and still.  If this feels uncomfortable, begin with a chair in front of you (maybe with a pillow on it) to rest your head in your forward fold.

- Breathe and take notice of how you feel.  Allow your back to stretch and your tension to melt away.

- Do this for a few minutes, s long as you are comfortable, slowly inhaling and exhaling.

- When you are ready, SLOWLY roll up to seated.

2. Cross-leg/ Seated Side Stretches

- Just as in the first move, sit cross-legged on a mat/ blanket or on a firm pillow or block.

- Balance your weight evenly on your sit bones

- Sit up straight and tall, aligning your head, neck, and spine.  Elongate through the top of the head, shoulders down (away from the ears) and back (opening the chest).

- Bring your hands towards the ground on either side of your hips.

- Tilt your head and neck to one side, in line with your shoulders, bringing your ear towards the shoulder.

- Start to "walk" the opposite hand out away from your body on the floor next to your hip.  Move one finger at a time until you feel a deep stretch up your neck.


- Stay here for a minute or two, as long as you still feel comfortable.

- Slowly, when you're ready, bring your hand back in towards the hip and sit up straight.

- Move to the other side, beginning with your head and neck, then moving your fingers.

- You should feel the stretch deepen as you move your ear to your shoulder and you fingers away from your body.


- Stay here for a minute or two, as long as you still feel comfortable.

- Slowly, when you're ready, bring your hand back in towards the hip and sit up straight.

3. Cross-leg/ Seated Side Twist

- Just as in the first two moves, sit cross-legged on a mat/ blanket or on a firm pillow or block.

- Balance your weight evenly on your sit bones

- Sit up straight and tall, aligning your head, neck, and spine.  Elongate through the top of the head, shoulders down (away from the ears) and back (opening the chest).

- Bring your hands to your knees.

- For a gentle stretch, slowly turn your head to the left, bringing your chin over the shoulder.

- Breathe and maintain a straight, tall spine.

- For a deeper stretch, as you breathe, bring your left hand behind your hips and your right hand to your left knee.  Allow your gaze to deepen past your shoulder. * Only go as far as is comfortable.  THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. *

- Breathe. 

- Slowly untwist, sitting up straight and move to the other side.

- Perhaps begin with the gentle twist and move into the deeper twist on the opposite side.

These are not all of the yoga poses to assist in relieving tension, but they are a great place to start.  Taking time for yourself, to love and value yourself, is important.  If you begin with helping relieve tension, you'll feel better for all of the other parts of your day.


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