Chocolate Peanut Butter [Veggie] Dessert Smoothie

A few nights ago, after a feast of grilled portobello mushrooms, broccoli salad, saffron tomato and spinach rice, and grilled zucchini, Danny surprised me with the following dessert smoothie. 

Though this is no diet drink, it tasted outrageously good.  I love peanut butter, but mixed with chocolate, the combination is unbeatable.

Similar to our daily breakfast smoothies, he started with a base of berries, spinach, and kale.  He made it using chocolate almond milk, peanut and almond butter, and even added chocolate chips!  We joked that this could possibly be considered a weight-gainer shake, but this smoothie, despite its green color, tastes like a milkshake.  Yum!

What you need:
- a blender
- measuring spoon/ cup or a regular spoon and a good internal estimate

Ingredients (for two servings):
- 1/2 c fresh or frozen fruit (we used strawberries, but blueberries or a mix will work)
- 2 1/2 c kale, washed
- 1 c spinach, washed
- 1/2 to 1 banana
- 1 c chocolate almond milk
- 2-4 TB peanut butter
- 1-2 TB almond butter
- 1/3 c semi-sweet chocolate chips
- squirt of honey (Danny recommends a "two Mississippi" count)

- blueberries and strawberries as garnish
- add smoothie superfoods for even more health benefits

We enjoyed these in the glasses from our low-key Tides Inn honeymoon!

Blend all ingredients, except for garnishes, thoroughly.

Pour into glasses. 



Even with the (perhaps strange) green color, this is a dessert you can enjoy occasionally and guilt-free.  You get a few servings of fruits and vegetables, protein, along with a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals.

Bottoms up!
